
Post-Pandemic: A Heightened Awareness of Health, Wellness and Well-Being Features

If there is a single positive note that COVID-19 has brought to the automobile industry, it is the heightened push from manufacturers to emphasize health, wellness and well-being (HWW) environments for vehicles. With workers returning to the workplace, people are once again spending large amounts of time in their vehicles each day. Studies estimate the …

Post-Pandemic: A Heightened Awareness of Health, Wellness and Well-Being Features Read More »

Taking to the Highways This Summer

A recent survey conducted by Bridgestone reveals that more than 50 percent of us plan to travel to our vacation destinations using our vehicles. Almost four out of five participants expressed they feel safer in a car rather than any other mode of transportation and almost one-third indicated they plan to drive more than 500 …

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two women driving in a convertible with the roof down.

First-Time Car Rental Tips

According to Car and Driver, people say that despite the reality of having the pandemic largely behind us, they are still going to be skipping air travel in favor of road trip vacations. In fact, a 27 percent increase in people opting for long-distance driving vacations is anticipated this summer.


The Road Back to Rental Cars

It has been remarkable to see an entire industry change its operations due to a pandemic and one thing is certain — the rental car business will never be the same.

The Pandemic Changed How We Will Live, Work and Drive.

The Pandemic Changed How We Will Live, Work and Drive

How often did we hear the phrase in 2020, “We are living in unprecedented times?” Now, as we stand on the cusp of escaping COVID-19 through mass vaccinations and slowly returning to pre-pandemic life, there will still remain long-lasting changes in how we interact and the way we do business.

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