Simple Math for Auto Dealers: Gross Odor < Gross Profit.

How many times have your customers turned down a vehicle due to bad odor or a compromised cabin? Even if the rest of the body is in pristine condition, the remnants of a previous owner can be a deal breaker to a buyer. What if there was a tool that made cleaning even the worst interior not only a possibility, but a reality?

There is.

Through innovation and scientific research that has been perfected over nearly 100 years, we have developed the product that changes the game for used-car dealers. Becoming a certified partner gives you more options when adding inventory to your lot, as well as a consistent money-maker for your service department.

Knowing that you have a weapon to bring a less-than-perfect interior back to its OE condition opens new avenues when negotiating deals with buyers. After restoring a vehicle’s interior, your asking price will increase, creating growth in profit margins.

Cigarette Smoke

This nasty habit is not only dangerous to a smoker but to passengers and potential buyers considering a smoke-stained cabin. The smell is distinct. The danger is real.

These facts reported by the Mayo Clinic show why you owe it to your customers to sell an apology-free vehicle.

  • The residue left behind from smoking is believed to react with other common indoor pollutants to create a toxic mix.
  • The mix contains cancer-causing substances which can be hazardous to innocent parties, including nonsmokers – especially children
  • There is NO safe level of tobacco exposure

Smoke-scented vehicles are also dangerous to your bottom line. Vehicles that show signs of smoke pollution are offered at prices seven to nine percent lower than nonsmoker cars. That’s too much profit walking out your door.

For used-car dealers, eradicating smoke smell and other obnoxious odors used to mean a labor-intensive cleaning process that only hides the scent for a short amount of time. Our patented NuVinAir® Cyclone 15-minute treatment is the safest and most effective way to eliminate the stench and entice customers to a cabin free of odors.

Dirty Sock Syndrome

mil·dew (ˈmilˌd(y)o͞o/) n. | making drivers say “ew” for decades

That may not be Webster Merriam’s official definition of the term, but it should be. Moist conditions cause your vehicle’s air conditioning ducts to create an awful smell (Dirty Sock Syndrome).

A Cyclone treatment doesn’t just mask the issue. It goes deep into the hard-to-reach areas to eliminate odors. Thanks to a patented-agitation process that was developed with thorough dedication and science, it’s the only treatment that can.

Until car manufacturers improve current designs, there is no permanent fix to prevent the nasty odor buildup. A NuVinAir® Cyclone treatment will return a vehicle’s interior to its OE condition. We recommend repeat treatments before every season. It’s good for an interior and your bottom line.

Taco Tuesday

People are busy. There isn’t always time to sit down for a meal during the crammed workweek, meaning the driver’s seat sometimes becomes the dinner table.

According to a recent study, more than half of car owners have dropped food onto their seats, foot wells or hard-to-reach spaces. More alarming, a third have spilled a drink and a tenth admitted to using the area under their seats as a garbage bin.


Depending on the type of food being dropped, there is a chance the car can begin to smell like day-old garbage.

Cleaning remnants of someone’s lunch and a Cyclone treatment get rid of the source of those odors left behind from an irresponsible driver.

Don’t get the reputation of being the used-car dealer whose cars smell like old food; become a certified partner today!

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