Guest Post by NuVinAir® Southern California Distributor Phil Gross
A lot has changed since the far-out and wacky weed-fueled theory on George Washington’s marijuana use in the 1992 movie, “Dazed and Confused.”
Nine states have legalized marijuana for recreational use to-date, over 25 states have approved initiatives for its permissive medical usage, and Canada recently legalized the use of marijuana. With increased legalization and usage on the rise, used car managers across the nation are increasingly faced with the daunting challenge of removing marijuana odors prior to presenting them for retail sale.
Like other smoke and cigar smells, removing these odors have historically proven to be difficult.
For many dealers, accepting trade-ins at a $500-$1,000 discount for smoked vehicles has been the general rule of thumb. After all, who wants to pay full price only to boast to family and friends about their new vehicle purchase that’s caked in marijuana odors?With a 2017 Yahoo News-Marist Poll concluding that nearly 55 million Americans (22 percent) admit to regular usage of marijuana, the number of problematic marijuana “hotbox” trade-ins is on the rise.
The stats get even more interesting when compared to a California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) showing cigarette smokers were only at 11 percent in 2014, down from 15 percent in 2003, suggesting marijuana usage may have surpassed cigarette usage.
Enter NuVinAir®
All this talk on smelly marijuana vehicles has caused the buzz around NuVinAir® to grow even faster. The company’s patented cyclone treatment and support model delivers new leading technology in the automotive aftermarket to effectively remove the prior owner on any used car vehicle – including the full remediation of marijuana smells.
How does it work? The compounds and resins give marijuana a pungent aroma. Its resulting smoke can be a challenge to neutralize. Masking the smell with other fragrances doesn’t resolve the problem.NuVinAir®’s cleaning power combats by-products of smoke and other odor-causing substances. The dry hygienic vapor delivered by NuVinAir®’s patented cyclone technology chemically changes these odor-causing substances and organisms through a process called oxidation.
NuVinAir® safely and effectively removes the footprint left behind by odor-causing substances and activities.
NuVinAir®’s Impact on the Auto Industry
While odors continue to haunt the industry with more margin compression and poor customer experiences, pre-owned managers leveraging NuVinAir®’s innovative products and ongoing support model have one less thing to bang their heads against the desk about.
Learn more about NuVinAir here. Welcome to the future of clean driving.
Phil Gross is a NuVinAir® Certified Distributor located in Riverside, Calif. Check out his distributor page and reach out for a demonstration.